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Travel Guide of Parc de Sceaux in France by Influencers and Travelers

Parc de Sceaux is one of the Paris RER B stations, located in the city of Antony. This is also the name of a park and castle from Jean-Baptiste Colbert.

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Pictures and Stories of Parc de Sceaux from Influencers

3 pictures of Parc de Sceaux from Louis Paulin, , and other travelers

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Learn More about Parc de Sceaux

The Parc de Sceaux is currently the property of the Departmental Council of Sceaux. Coming there, you can discover the Domaine de Sceaux Museum, which is open to the public from 8 am to 7 pm. The Musée de Sceaux is open from 9 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. The Sceaux estate is located in the Hauts de Seine. This area was owned by the Hauts-de-Seine Departmental Council. This estate was owned by the family of Jean Baptiste Colbert, Prime Minister of Louis XIV. You will find the work of Albert Lenôtre, a very fashionable architect, the same who designed the Gardens at Versailles. When you are in the Park of Sceaux, you will also find waterfalls which is an element that will certainly remind you of the Palace of Versailles. By going to the Domaine de Sceaux you can immerse yourself with delight in the art of the Grand Siècle. You can admire the Petit Canal and the North-South orientation, which allows you to have a global view of the Sceaux area and to enjoy the privileged view of the Pavilion of Aurora.

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